List of Online Tools
There are quite number of useful tools online. I thought it would be helpful to share them here:
- 100+ icon sets with more than 100,000 icons from iconify
- Preview and create meta data for you. Super helpful for SEO
- Draw diagrams online.
- Generate sensible font sizes for different headings
- read-o-meter: Calculate how long it will take to read an article. I use this for my posts.
- haikei: Generate blob, wave, poly grid and more in SVG format. Could be useful for web design.
- Preview & generate box shadow
- gradient designer: Preview & generate color gradient
- layoutit: Design a layout using grid css
- coolers: Generate color pallettes
- xml-sitemaps: Generate sitemap.xml for your site
- chatGPT: This was too interesting not to include in here. Developed by openAI, it can answer questions in human like fashion. Apparently stackexchange banned it after people were using chatGPT to answer questions posted on stackexchange.
- asciiflow: Can be used to design ascii art. I never knew people actually use online tools to generate text art.