November 2022 ~ Present

1 contributor


As a developer, most of my time was spent trying to look for answers online. While I was surfing online, I discovered number of bloggers like Tania Rascia, Clarence, Anthony Fu and more. Their blogs all inspired me and I enjoyed reading up on their posts, not just for looking up answers but also actually seeing what kind of person they were. I wanted to contribute to the world just like them and decided to make my learnings public.

I also wanted to improve by recording things that I learnt. I'm hoping that by documenting my learnings, it will help people who happen to discover my posts as well as helping me who would read through the posts in future.


At the time when I started working on this blog, it was my first time leveraging Nuxt 3. Since Nuxt 3 was so new (released in 2022 November 17) it was a little rough looking for answers online.

This was actually good for me as I got to learn to ask things online through platforms like stackexchange, discord channel and github. On the process of asking, I had opportunity to contribute to one of the nuxt ecosystem as well.

It was also interesting to see how the open source project got released in real time. The Nuxt team was fanatically working towards the release while also answering questions posted on github. Seeing their responses on github and other platforms, I felt that the nuxt team members were also people like us.

What I learned

I learnt to use Nuxt content for content management, UnoCSS for styling and github actions for devops.

Apart from picking up new tools, I also learnt to follow lighthouse guideline and manage SEO meta tags.

lighthouse score
Lighthouse score as of Dec 13, 2022

What can be improved

I might include PWA for better offline mobile support in future. I'm also thinking of adding RSS and newsletter to my blog as well.